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india tying machine

Индийская металлургическая компания получила от «АТС Мехатроникс» две обвязочные машины TMP500.

Это первая установка для ATS вязальных машин в Индии, но AIC присутствует в стране с 2008 года со своим филиалом AIC Capitanio Automation Systems Pvt Ltd, который поддерживает проекты, активно реализуемые в стране.

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impianto fotovoltaico

ATS Mechatronics is starting the installation of a photovoltaic system on its production site in Trasaghis (UD) Italy.

The traditionally energy-intensive steel industry is experiencing a transition to sustainability. The AIC Group is at the forefront of this, making a concrete commitment to circularity and eco-sustainability.

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Компания АТС Мехатроникс, входящая в состав AIC Group, получила заказ на два вязальных станка от компании Al Jazeera Steel в Омане.

 Компания АТС Мехатроникс, входящая в состав AIC Group, получила заказ на две обвязочные машины TMB400-45 от компании Al Jazeera Steel в Омане.

Обвязочная машина TMB400 имеет самый быстрый цикл обвязки на рынке - 6,8 секунды.

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visita scolastica

ATS opens its doors for "Fabbriche Aperte"

ATS opened the doors of its headquarters for the 22nd edition of the "Fabbriche Aperte" project in collaboration with Confindustria Udine. It was fantastic to host the IV Classes of the D'Aronco Institute of Gemona del Friuli, Maintenance & Technical Assistance course.

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Al Jazeera FAT

FAT completed for n.2 automatic TMB 400–45 in Oman

The ATS team successfully completed the activities on TMB 400 - 45 tying machines, which will be installed in the customer's facility in Oman. 

The two automatic tying machines will be included in a processing line for the final tying of 400x400mm max size round bundles. The supply will be completed with auxiliary mechanical equipment, a hydraulic circuit, electrical and automation system.

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AISTech & Made in Steel

ATS present with the AIC Group at the AISTech and Made in Steel trade fairs

Also this year we took part in the top events for the global steel world.

  • AISTech, this year in Detroit, together with KERN and QUAD Infotech (May 8-10, Booth #1156).

  • Made in Steel in Milan (9-11 May, Stand D28).


This year we have updated our portfolio with new options and features to the machines already offered on the market, as well as new mechatronic projects, among which is the TrimBot for trimming and sampling wire rod coils.

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Feralpi Stahl

4x automatic binding machines and tying area safety system  
for Feralpi Stahl at the Riesa plant in Germany

German steel producer ESF Elbe-Stahlwerke Feralpi has requested AIC Group technologies in the Riesa bar rolling mill, located in northeastern Germany. 

The mill had benefited from a package of ATS-branded automatic tying machines for the final tying of round deformed bars, plus the tying area upgrades by AIC and KERN Gruppe.

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First-time TMB 400-45 tying machines released for a leading rebar mill in Bangladesh 

ATS will provide a package of six brand-new TMB400 -45 tying machines to a rebar mill in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

It is a hybrid model that adopts the TMP500 machines' structure for packs with lateral twisting (45 degrees), but it is intended for smaller profiles (bundles processing at 400x400mm maximum size) such as the TMB400 while maintaining the same level of cost.


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tying machines

Six TMB 400-S special tying machines for a South Korean rebar mill

ATS will deliver the first packet of six TMB400-S (single turns) tying machines to the Asian market, specifically to a bar rolling mill in South Korea. 

The TMB400 for bundles with a maximum diameter of 400mm has been engineered to wrap the finished product in a single turn, speeding up site operations.

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Factory-acceptance tests (FAT) successfully accomplished for Sulb HSM steel plant in Bahrain.

In October end, SULB representatives granted ATS the Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT), after tests attended at its Italian workshop in Udine.   

With this commissioning, the company will supply the Asian market for the first time ever.

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ATS officially celebrated its opening in Udine.

The official inauguration of the ATS Mechatronics Srl headquarters in Trasaghis (UD) took place on Saturday, July 23, following a two-year delay by Covid. In fact, ATS entered the AIC Group in 2019 following the financial difficulties of the previous company.  

A day dedicated to the memory of the path taken and of lightness, in which employees, as well as friends, customers, and suppliers, joined the appointment.

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ATS and the Italian OEM Progress relaunch partnership with a new TMB400 tying machine.

The automatic machine, matched by the latest technology of motor control centers & auxiliary mechanical equipment and electrical & automation systems, will be integrated into the processing line for the final binding cycle, executing operations in a full simplifying routine.

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AIC Group at AISTech 2022, Pittsburgh (USA).

This year, ATS Mechatronics will be present as part of the AIC Group at the AISTech trade show, which will be held in Pittsburgh from May 16th to 18th.

Group representatives will be on hand at Booth #1841, where you can speak with them and learn about our latest technologies.

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TMB400 tying process

Italian manufacturer OCSAM will integrate 3+1 ATS TMB400 tying machines for a leading rebar American producer in Tennessee.

ATS Mechatronics, AIC Group equipment manufacturer, will furnish Italian OEM OCSAM with 3+1 special design TMB400 automated machines to tie 400x400mm max size round bundles in a Tennessee rebar mill.

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Sulb Bahrein selected again ATS Mechatronics for the heavy section mill wire tying machine.

ATS will target the Asian market by providing an automatic wire TMB1100 tying machine for the Sulb HSM steel plant situated in Bahrain. With the bundle compactor rounding out the package, it will be installed in heavy sections rolling mill for the tying of the rolled sections stacks up to 1100x1100mm, encompassing the design, supply, and commissioning phases.  

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A new order for two TMB400 tying machines in the South American market.

ATS Mechatronics was contracted for the manufacture and integration of two new TMB400 tying machines in the end area of a rolling mill in Brazil, after executing successful installations all over the world.


The project's goal is to improve maintenance activities, which are sometimes challenging and time-consuming, throughout the production cycle in order to reduce downtime and, as a result, minimize lost opportunity costs. 
It will even accelerate the job in-site processes and will reduce adverse effects caused by tying steel manually.

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pulpito e legatrici

ATS Mechatronics will sustain Pak Steel 450kty bar mill greenfield with its modern TMB400 tying machine.

ATS Mechatronics, a proven producer of machines for long product hot rolling mills and a part of AIC (Automazioni Industriali Capitanio) Group, will supply the automatic bundles tying machine for the new bar mill planned to be installed by Pak Steel in the Hattar Special Economic Zone (HSEZ) - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

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AIC Group acquires the majority of Kern Industrie Automation GmbH & Co KG.

Automazioni Industriali Capitanio and KIA – Kern Industrie Automation – will reinforce their previous agreements and will join forces more intensively to quicken market presence and improve service level for customers worldwide.

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aic and kern
2021001-ATS-Confindustria Udine Italy

ATS Mechatronics joins Confindustria Udine Association.

According to the decision of the Presidential Council of the Association, ATS Mechatronics has been accepted as a member of the “Confindustria Udine” and assigned to the Metal Industry Group.

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AIC (Italy) and KIA - KERN Industrie Automation (Germany) announce new partnership.

We are excited to announce the new partnership with KIA - KERN Industrie Automation (Germany). This opportunity will help bring AIC and KIA in a position to expand their global presence, attract new customers and increase the level of services. Based in Germany and Czech Republic, KIA is a one-stop solution when it comes to instrumentation and control technology in plant engineering for the steel and iron industry and in process engineering in metallurgy.

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ATS Mechatronics - Acciaierie di Sicilia

Rolling mill upgrade at Acciaierie di Sicilia (Alfa Acciai Group) in Catania, Italy.

Following the successful installation of six new roughing stands and the renovation of the automation system in 2019, Acciaierie di Sicilia (Alfa Acciai Group) chose ATS Mechatronics to supply and integrate two tying machines (TMB 400) and AIC to upgrade electrical and automation (E&A) system of cooling bed exit and bundle forming areas of the rolling mill in Catania, Italy.

The project was commissioned during the summer 2020 shutdown.

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ATS Mechantronics - Tying Machine

ATS Mechatronics supplies four bundle retaining jaws to a special bar quality (SBQ) mill in Spain.

ATS Mechatronics supplies four bundle retaining jaws (bundle forming) to the European mechanical supplier with the final destination at a special bar quality (SBQ) mill in Spain. This project includes the design, manufacturing and testing of four bundle retaining jaws. 

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ATS_Tying Machines

ATS Mechatronics was contracted to supply two tying machines (TMB 400).

The scope of the project includes the design, manufacturing and commissioning of an automatic tying machine for round bundles to be integrated into the final tying area.

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ATS Mechatronics supplies four Tying Machines TMB400 to Feralpi Stahl.

Besides mechanical equipment, ATS will also supply electrical and automation system, hydraulic circuit, auxiliary equipment. Currently, the implementation of the contract with Feralpi ESF Germany is at the stage of internal equipment testing and delivery is scheduled for the end of 2019 with subsequent commissioning within the first half of 2020.

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AIC acquires the assets of ATS Applicazioni Tecnologica Siderurgiche S.p.A.

On July 26, 2019, AIC Automazioni Industriali Capitanio has acquired ATS, Applicazioni Tecnologiche Siderurgiche S.p.A, a proved producer of machines for long product hot rolling mills, located in Trasaghis (UD) in Italy. The acquired assets include know-how, designs, brands, buildings, equipment and warehouses in addition to other strategic technical possessions.

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Via Chiavola, 10 - Zona Industriale
33010 Trasaghis (UD) - Italy
Tel. +39 0432 984185

Fax +39 0432 984232



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